300+ Best Sad status, Sad Quotes For You

Suffering is a fundamental part of our lives. Sad status Through this, we express our pain or feelings on social media. Now in the modern era, there have been many changes among us, so it is a new means of expressing feelings. 

We have to use sad status in many cases. So today we have arranged this article for you. Here are some of the best selected sad statuses that will blow your mind. You can use them, if you want to express your feelings through your social media.


Emotional sad status

We sometimes express emotional sad status on Facebook or other social media. Emotion is the expression of the innermost feelings of man. It expresses the unspoken words of the mind as well as emotional sad status:

  • I lost my heart; I don’t have him anymore! So I wander around madly in sorrow.
  • Your bad time clock also shows the wrong time.
  • If I’m lost, maybe there’s no one to look for me. I don’t have the person whom I loved with everything. 
  • I have lost many things and accepted today; my expectations may not be for me. 
  • When your time goes bad, danger will come your way from all directions. 
  • It is not possible to be like everyone in the world! But the trouble is when you do everything to win someone’s heart, but you can’t get what you want. 
  • This world separates loved ones for selfish interests; people sacrifice love.  
  • My life is only the pains of the starry sky at night. And our joys fade like clouds. 


sad status
sad status


  • I do not know where you are hiding! Where is it in my heart? Where are you dear?
  • Do not love me so dear! I am like a cloud floating in the sky, wayward. I have no address. He will be full of pain; he will die of regret.
  • You say, lost, or I ran away? I hear only you in the air; where are you? Where if, Forget it! 
  • Or come back again; even if you make me sad, come back again, dear. I’ve never had my happiness, and I didn’t expect it. What is the trick in Chile? Or deception.  


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Negligence sad status

Most of the time, we suffer because of love. Sometimes we suffer when we lose love or when we have love. The loved one hurts us. Here is some negligence sad status for a broken-hearted lover. 

  • A wrong love turns all the beautiful human feelings into misery.
  • You have proved a thousand times that you are not worthy of my love. And I deserve nothing but pain from you. 
  • I was in your life only because you needed me; today my need is over, so I am also after you. 


sad status
sad status


  • I am afraid of your future! To whom you are running and leaving me, I know one day you will feel me. But remember, I won’t have an iota of feelings for you then.  
  • Days pass, words pile up on the back of words, and sad anecdotes are formed. You used to make fun of me, now you call me Jharaful.  
  • Once upon a time, I thought it was late at night! Waiting for someone who loves someone from the heart!
  • Important words come to my smile! People think I’m lying! Whose beginning with lies! His end is never sweet.
  • Yes, I am crazy because I love him so much.!
  • People change, emotions fade, and good times fade. And there remains a mountain of pain, but love does not change and memory does not disappear.
  • Loving you was my biggest mistake, so I have to pay for that mistake all the time. 


sad status
sad status


  • I have to pretend not to see the good stuff in the store and avoid it. Because I am the son of a middle-class family.
  • Family seems to stand by each other and overcome each other’s dangers hand in hand.
  • Family is not only important in our world, family is many things. Where there is family, there must be love.
  •  I am not a machine; it is not possible for me to drag the feelings out of my mind.
  • My problem is one! I can’t explain my feelings to anyone! Where love is deep, glory is where humility is. He caught me and did not leave me sick, I did not get medicine for anxiety.
  •  Is the sadness everlasting?
  • My worst kind of sadness is not being able to explain why.
  • I’ll forget you when I can’t.” “I’ll love you even when I shouldn’t.


sad status
sad status


  • Every time your heart is broken, can’t, can’t “w” ‘all open to a world that shouldn’t have new beginnings and opportunities.
  • The hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to speak to daily.
  • I still love you; that’s a fact. But a million apologies can’t bring me back. 
  • Note to heart: Don’t reiterate the person you should be walking away from.
  • Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Some hearts, let’s die. I’m sure they did, but we do. It’s
  • Love is their most problematic drug to quit, but it is even more complex when it is taken away. 
  • Just that’s what Justham’s I thought I’d learned to  can’t your absence, your memories before me.
  • If there is a time we can’t be together, keep me in your heart; I’ll stay there forever.
  • My heart was taken by you, broken by you, and now it is in pieces because of your 
  • “Smiling on the outside, but my internal monologue sounds like a sad trombone solo.” 
  • “Adulting is hard, but pretending I’m not crying into my takeout is even harder.” 
  • “Pretty sure my heart just did a backflip into a pile of broken dreams.” ‍


sad status
sad status


  • “Feeling like the sad emoji came to life and took up residence in my chest. “
  • “Just here, chilling with my best friend… ice cream and tissues. ” 
  • “Sunshine on my skin, but the only thing blooming in my heart is a cactus. ” 
  • “Sending out good vibes to my fellow heartbroken peeps. We’re in this together. “
  • “Taking a break from love to focus on my most important relationship… me. ”  


Love sad status

If you are sad for any reason, we give sad status. Through emotional distress status, we express our feelings and express our heartache. When we can’t express our feelings directly to people or others, we give sad status. something love sad status provided for you.

  • When you realize, the person you left the whole world for but that person left you for someone else. What could be more painful than this?
  • My eyes may run out of tears; my tears will end. But will the tears ever end? Will the flood of my love for you stop? Witness every night how much I cried. Can you understand that I have never wet a pillow with tears, and I am holding a stone of pain in my chest?
  • I wanted to be the light in your life, but you extinguished me from your life. Just as the candle is extinguished by blowing it out when the need is over.


sad status
sad status


  • A son or daughter of a middle-class family means thousands of dreams are lost to money or have to be won or lost. You will not find anyone in the world to call your own except family members.
  • My The laughter stopped, the tears stopped coming—just a strange pain in the chest.
  • When the night is deep, the pain is intense.
  • Only sighs accompany lonely nights.
  • Sleep breaks again and again, tears in the eyes due to pain.
  • The mind is heavy, as if bound by stone.
  • I don’t know the cause of the pain, but I still have chest pain.
  • I want someone by my side, on whose chest I can cry.
  • The tears do not stop; the heart is broken.
  • Nothing feels good anymore; life is boring.
  • God! When will this suffering end?
  • Can I ever be happy again?
  • I want to disappear from life. Is death the only solution?


Family problem sad status  

The most loving place is family; from this family I suffer more than ever. Some of the best quality sad status with family is given below. 

  • Do you know the biggest fun of the family? No one here cares if you look ugly.
  • He doesn’t know that I feel very bad if I don’t talk to him. Nobody cares.
  • I want such a sleep! That is the beginning of sleep, but not the end! 
  • The pain is lifelong, but the relationship is short-lived.
  • Life every day before sleeping at night! I go into depression when I think about the future!
  • I am not good, I am not bad, I have not died, and I am not alive to live.
  • You have to laugh even when you are upset! It rains even on sunny days..!
  • Gives the status of pain, if someone leaves us with pain, we cannot forget him. But when one person passes away, how does the other person live?
  • Family can’t be compared to a banana tree; as long as it’s above your head, you get shade. 


Sad status for Instagram post

If you express your pain as much as possible or share it with someone. That sadness is also lightened. This also reduces the pain of grief. But many cannot share that sorrow with others. Status is their way of sharing that grief. that  ‘Sad status for Instagram post’ are given below:

  • If you want to achieve success, there are always obstacles, and difficulties are hidden in those obstacles. Success is possible only if you overcome these difficulties.
  • Many people have presented different types of suffering status quotes while holding their pain in their chest. In fact, they are exposed through the pain of their hearts. So you can also see them if you want.
  • The people who show your friendship in good times are not your real friends, but those who stand by you in bad times are your real friends._ Robert Cain
  • Whoever loves someone with all his heart and expects the same love from him is the most foolish person in the world. _ Collected
  • How many nights I haven’t talked to you, but there isn’t a night that I haven’t thought of you!
  • After getting tired of laughing, your cute face appears.
  • Only a child of a middle class family can tell what the real world looks like.
  • Never expect any benefit from someone by doing favors or helping them, because they end up doing more harm than good. _ Collected
  • Just as the moon is alone in the vast sky, I too am alone in my life without a companion walking the path.
  • No matter what you do throughout your life, do not fall in love with someone from your heart, otherwise you will get so much desire and pain from him, which you will not be able to bear in any way.
  • Although pride is like a fountain, it does not flow all year round, when it begins to fall, it cannot be stopped.
  • My desire, unwillingness, affection, love, love – to whom these have no value. His false love is worthless to me. 
  • Some pride never ends even if life ends. 
  • Girls sometimes want to be proud, so that her beloved man breaks the pride. But some people do not understand, despise that pride, hurt the people they love. 
  • No one is proud of themselves, it accumulates slowly in the chest in human behavior.
  • I don’t know when this love drama will end, I will be free.
  • I was looking for happiness in love, that love is now my biggest illness. 
  • Some get shelter of love in difficult times of life, some have difficult times in life because of love. 
  • I will love you every time I am born, and I know that you will cheat me every time.   


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Broken heard sad status

The status peak of suffering Can be of different types. We give sad status on social media only when we are deeply saddened for some reason. So love-suffering status is applicable to express the feelings of the mind. 

  • Do not be afraid; I will not return, I will not stand in front of you! Fear not, I am leaving you and your world. Do not be afraid dear! No one can take your place! I was always amused by ‘us’, and you were drunk on you! 
  • I came to you with a chest of hope, just hoping for a drop of your love. What was the outcome of my love when you returned it with an ocean of pain? 
  • Maybe the law of the world is the reality that you will suffer, neglect, and suffer pain and lose everything from the one you love with all your heart.
  • Suffering changes people. Suffering teaches people to recognize reality. Suffering makes people hard. Suffering makes people forget to love.
  • Why actually, if Jabei dear! Why show hope wherever you are? Take love! 
  • One day everything will be fine! The world will forget me, you have forgotten it. How will it be, on a hot afternoon, quietly in a coffee cup, before sipping, if I remember this! Can you lie to yourself? 
  • I don’t know why my life is surrounded by such pain and love all the time.    
  • Neglect is like rust, love corrodes. 
  • Can’t love, don’t neglect anyone. It drives a healthy person crazy. 
  • Don’t neglect someone so much that they learn to live without you. Here are some famous quotes and captions about negligence. 
  • There are dreams, there are goals, but there is no partner to move forward.
  • Sometimes it seems it is better not to live than this loneliness of life. 
  • I don’t know when this time of loneliness will end or when a little happiness will come in life. The most neglected person is sometimes known as the most generous person who does not want to fight for it. — Thomas Hobbes


Late-night sad status 

The busyness of the day forgets you and your memories. But when the night is deep, I remember your memories. Then I need late-night distress status. If you’re not, these love heartbreak statuses are for you: 

  • I’m upset; I can’t sleep, tears in my eyes, so many thoughts in my head. The night does not want to end.
  • The mind is suffering from loneliness, there is only darkness around. Need someone to talk to, to comfort.
  • The mind is immersed in the thoughts of the past, the thorn of pain is piercing again and again. Want to forget everything, but remember nothing.
  • The mind is broken in despair, it seems that nothing will get better. I am afraid to think about the future.
  • There are tears in the corners of the eyes, storms in the mind. I want someone next to me, on whose lap I can cry.
  • When the night is deep, the pain is intense.
  • Only sighs accompany lonely nights.
  • Sleep breaks again and again, tears in the eyes due to pain.
  • The mind just wants a little love, a little comfort.
  • “When the mind is upset, the night seems longer.” – William Shakespeare
  • “It is through suffering that we become strong.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
  • In the silence of the night, all the troubles of the world seek shelter, and make a permanent abode in my chest.


Friends sad status

Friends are those who occupy a very large part of our lives. Friends are the cause of all happiness in our lives. But sometimes these friends give a lot of trouble, willingly or unwillingly. That Sad status with friends That’s what we’ll say with bullets:

  • To whom I told all my thoughts thinking of a friend, he broke a pot in the market today.
  • I thought of you as a friend of the liver, and you have torn that liver.
  • Friends have harmed me; enemies cannot do so much.
  • There is no such thing as friendship; everyone is unscrupulous; the mask comes out in time.
  • Those who judge the status of a friend by money are a disgrace to the name of the friend.
  • My friends are different because they are good time friends.
  • Friends are not needed if they are not near in the day of danger.
  • I do not fear the enemy, but the enemy who is dressed as a friend, I fear.
  • Some friends are like snakes; no matter how much you give them milk, they will bite when they get the chance.
  • The pain of a dear friend is more painful than the pain of a broken heart.
  • Friend is my playmate; love life mass! No matter how hard it is, the heart burns.


Short sad status

The most terrible punishment in human life is the punishment of loneliness. Sometimes we feel very alone in the midst of thousands of people. These are the unspoken words. Short sad status tried to express through bullets:

  • It’s not the lack of love in my life; it’s the lack of healthy relationships. Don’t want to be alone, but don’t want to be with the wrong person either.
  • Lost in the darkness of loneliness, I left me, dear. Where did you go?
  • The hardest time in life is facing yourself alone in the lonely night.
  • Tell me what you understand—the pain of being alone! You are happy with everyone except me.
  • Prayer to Allah: May the enemy not suffer the pain of loneliness like me.
  • Sometimes I feel how alone I am in a crowd of people. 
  • Carrying the burden of life alone, the mind is getting more tired than the body. 
  • Everyone around is laughing, chatting, and just silence in my life. 
  • No one to speak, who will listen? The pains of the heart are embedded in the chest.
  • Even with thousands of followers on social media, there seems to be one comforting person to talk to.
  • Loneliness is a disease that has no medicine, only to cry silently inside.
  • Sometimes it feels like getting lost in the crowd, because no one is looking. 
  • God, help me! No longer wanting to fight this loneliness. 
  • Everyone may have to be alone at some point in their life, but sometimes I feel that my period of loneliness has been too long.  


Women suffering sad status

Only a girl can say how hard this world is for girls. There is no end to the struggle of girls as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, and as a daughter. In the meantime, life becomes dark with hardships. Something like that  woman suffering sad status appeared today. I hope you like it, don’t forget to share if you like it.

  • As soon as people hear about breakups or divorces, they assume that the girl is the culprit, but believe me, no girl wants to break a relationship by her own hands unless there is a way. 
  • Is the world easy for girls? No, insecurity, social taunts, and challenges at every step. 
  • Daughter in the morning, wife in the afternoon, mother in the evening, queen of the world at night. But does anyone ever ask, What are you really?
  • There is a dream, but the pressure of society falls. Does the way forward for girls really have to be so difficult? 
  • Even if qualified in the workplace, lag behind due to gender. When will women’s work skills be recognized?
  • “It would have been better if it was a boy”—these words hurt. Is it a crime to be a girl?
  • After marriage, the husband and in-laws have to follow their wishes, where is the place of their own dreams and opinions? 
  •  Physical and mental changes that occur after childbirth. Does anyone understand the mother’s sacrifice? 
  • “Girls should not go out alone at night” without ensuring safety, then neither should boys.
  • Commenting on women’s bodies through social media. When will everyone be aware of the respect of girls? 
  • Sacrifice everything for the happiness of the family. Many girls would have lived in peace if this sacrifice of girls was recognized. 
  • Maybe girls don’t deserve the world, or the world belongs to girls.
  • O man! Your taunts and evil glances, ruin our days. 
  • Girl means consumer goods, girl means jewelry! Until this idea ends, there is no liberation for girls.


Father’s Day sad status

Our father is the piller of our family. But many times, consciously or unconsciously, we hurt the Persian. Now here we shared some sad status with father. 

  • Father is gone; the world seems empty. To whom will I now lay my head, To whom will I tell my heart?
  • Memories of childhood come flooding back; the touch of a father’s love is only a memory now. 
  • Dad was my strength, my courage. Life is lost in his absence. 
  • Father taught me to stand against society. I can’t find a way now without his blessings. 
  • Sometimes I think, if my father was there… how much I would talk, how much I would complain.
  • I now understand that my father disciplined me as a child. His love was immense. 
  • Dad is gone forever, but his memory lives on.
  • Dad was my best friend, my guru. A man like him will never be found again. 
  • Dad is gone, but the life lessons he taught me will carry me forward. 
  • One day we may meet again with the Father in the garden of heaven. 
  • Dad is gone, but his love is forever in my heart. 
  • Father was my protection, my refuge. Without him, life is covered in darkness. 
  • Dad is gone, but his memory will inspire me to move forward in life. 
  • Maybe one day I will meet my father again, then there will be no more pain of separation.  
  • The man who walks a kilometer to save 10 rupees and brings chocolates to his beloved child is called a father.


sad status for mothers day

A mother is the first teacher of our lives. Nothing in the world compares to a mother’s love. that sad status with mother I have appeared with Our collection of sad status about dear mother, I I hope you will like it.

  • The creator did not find any place to put the pain after creating it, so maybe he put it in the mother’s bosom. 
  • One struggles sometimes to protect a family, the tactics one adopts is no less than a real war.
  • Mother taught me to stand against the society. I can’t find a way now without his blessings. 
  • Sometimes I think, if my mother was there, I would have hugged her and said, you are the only one who loves me from my heart. 
  • Mom is gone, but the life lessons she taught me will carry me forward. 
  • Maybe one day we will meet again with mother, in the garden of heaven. 
  • Mom is gone, but her love is forever in my heart.
  • Mother was my protection, my refuge. Without him life is covered in darkness. 
  • Whenever the child is in any dire danger, the mother’s prayers protect him like a shield.
  • When I think of my mother, I think that the most unfortunate person in the world, who gave everything for me, saved me. 
  • Mother, a small word. But all the love in the world is hidden in it there is.  

life sad status 

Let’s see something now: life sad status Through this, we will try to express the unspoken words of our mind.  

  • When people get too much neglect, they change themselves a lot. 
  • Negligence not only hurts a person but also teaches a lot.
  • Negligence doesn’t need words, just use. 
  • Where carelessness is abundant, love is dirty.
  • I have, but I am not for them; those who fall in love have to spend something; some may love someone, and some make their family cry to get love. 
  • I give distress status, and everyone thinks and says that I have eaten a lot. I like someone, I don’t love anyone, even for family. Actually, I like to use emotional words, so I write emotional words in status.
  • Don’t neglect those who love you more than anything else, they will pay for it in the end. 
  • If someone doesn’t understand your value, explain the value by increasing the distance.
  • The man who was everything in my life, today I have everything in my life, only that man is not there. 
  • I have been caught in the trap of love, I have endangered my own life in the pursuit of my own happiness. 
  • Human forms are terrible when they change over time. 
  • You don’t need me to take a little news! I will sacrifice my life for you!
  • A relationship is worth more to someone who speaks first and is not shy after a fight. Don’t be overly simplistic! This selfish society will deceive you! Call me after the neglect, I will say I love you again!
  • Read the family problem once. Nothing in the world will be better!
  • Maybe you are not in my destiny! But will be in the heart for life!
  • Even in difficult times of life! Many times their parents also misunderstand
  • My pain is mine! What else can I say? We are both very good at acting. You love me and I love you.
  • It is very easy to be liked by someone, but it is very difficult to be liked by him all the time.
  • The story of my life one day will end with the word death.


Islamic distress status

Muslims are moving away from Islam day by day. So once the biggest empire in the world is in the face of destruction. Our daily social order is under threat. Something like that in today’s article, Islamic sad status, I will share.

  • It is regrettable to see the activities of Muslims these days. The Islam of the Companions is no longer alive. 
  • We may be Muslim in name, but most of our activities are anti-Islamic. 
  • No matter how much the world gives me trouble, my hope in Allah’s mercy will always remain.
  • Allah strengthens our faith through trials. So be patient, everything will be fine.
  • The happiness of the world is not eternal. We should prepare for the hereafter. 
  • Satan will try to mislead us. Ask God for help. 
  • Gossip, envy, jealousy—refrain from these sins. Allah loves righteous and righteous people. 
  • Pray to Allah with a sad heart. He will hear your prayers and comfort you.
  • Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj—gain closeness to Allah through these acts of worship. 
  • Quran recitation and learning bring light to our lives. 
  • Accumulate goods for the hereafter through good deeds. 
  • Give charity. This will increase your wealth, and Allah will bless you. 
  • Always speak good, do good. Allah loves righteous and righteous people.
  • Be compassionate towards others. Help those in need.
  • Take care of the environment. God created this beautiful world.
  • Be patient, be honest, and trust in Allah. In the end, justice and truth will win. 
  • Do not rely on anyone but Allah. He is the only helper.
  • Sometimes our hard life, the life of suffering, is just a test from God. 


Last word!  

 If there is no suffering in life, happiness cannot be experienced properly. So one should express the suffering without ever keeping it in the mind. So a medium to express our sufferings is now  sad status. Posting this on  we can express our feelings.

If you have any comments or suggestions, lave on the comments box. Thank you! 

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