Caption for Facebook : 650+ Best, Cool and Short Facebook Caption

Are you looking for Caption for facebook? But tired to find the appropriate caption. Don’t worry!  We have come up with 300+ best Facebook captions for you, which reflect different colours of life. With the help of these ‘caption for facebook’ you can express many unspoken feelings of your mind. So why the delay? let’s go to the main post. 


Best Caption for Facebook

No matter how many words come to mind, you cannot write. See if these ‘caption for Facebook’ can speak your mind. These Facebook captions are sure to reflect your real-life experience. 

  • The biggest and hardest test of life is the test of patience.
  • There is no exact definition of life that has as much explanation as anyone. 
  • Giving someone their due is not a compromise it is a duty. 
  • Success on the wrong path is quick, but success on the right path is lasting. 
  • When you are in danger, the whole world seems selfish. 
  • I remember, who did not invite to the wedding! Don’t even marry me.
  • The sky, the moon, the stars and the sun all say the same thing, you are unique. 
  • Only time knows how close we were one day .


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • Some people can’t even get close enough.
  • Have we sent love to elections, this is the fate of true love.
  • “The beginning of knowledge id, when you know that you know nothing.” 
  • “Our thoughts make us. So, think consciously.” 
  • “Time is a river. You can’t hold it back, but you can run with it.” 
  • “Only the fear of death dims all the joys of life.” 
  • “What we are looking for, is usually with us. But we don’t recognize it.”  
  • “He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know.”  


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • “If you want to the real revenge: just be more successful.” 
  • “Chenge yourself first, the world will change automatically.”  
  • “The things that cannot be learned are the most important.” 
  • “Art is the answer to life’s greatest questions, which cannot be expressed in words.” 
  • “Things that can be explained may not matter.” 
  • “The true work of an artist is to find beauty in sorrow.” –


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • “The greatest freedom is not to think about yourself.” 
  • “Who says life is a sea of ​​sorrow, here the pearl of happiness is born.” 


Read More:

  1. Happy Instagram Captions: 350+ Simple, Short, Cute, Funny Captions 
  2. Instagram caption about smile to Brighten Up Your Posts
  3. 300+ Beautiful Instagram captions for myself
  4. 300+ Best Love Status, Captions, Quotes, and Poems 


Caption for Facebook Romantic

Love is a feeling that is hard to describe. If you want ‘caption for Facebook romantic’ to share your feelings with everyone on facebook. You can express your love and gratitude to your loved one by using these romantic captions.

  • I will eat a madman in the middle of your heart .
  • Dear, my life is incomplete without you.
  • My heart speaks only for you.
  • You don’t know my dear, you are my everything.
  • Your smile is my greatest happiness.
  • You are like my dream, the dream I want to make come true.
  • In my simple life, you are my biggest miracle. 
  • You are the moon, and I am Yosna, without you I have no existence.


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • I want to walk by your hand, I don’t know where, but I know with you.
  • Without you, I find every moment unbearable.
  • Looking into your eyes, everything in the world becomes a blur.
  • When talking to you, time stops.
  • No love is meaningful to me except you.
  • Any storm in life will come, but with you by my side, I can weather it all.
  • I want to be with you, from birth to death.
  • You are in my every dream.
  • The human heart is the infinite sky. 


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • We are all drowning in the same ocean, some in the sea, some in the sea. 
  • Life goes by in the blink of an eye, but dreams never die. 
  • In the spring, the flute is playing, the flowers are covered with flowers.
  •  Only love, only dreams, nothing else in this life. 
  • Where subjugation is so sweet, I want to be defeated by you again and again 
  • In life, the rule of such a person is very necessary, who will only remind you, you are only mine 
  • In this world nobody is nobody, some deception and the rest is acting 
  • Such people are very much needed in life. In whose lap you can spend your life


Caption for Facebook English

Indeed, the world is a learning field. There is no end to learning in this world and no shortage of learning sources. Here is some caption for Facebook English for your next facebook post:

  • Who says there are no calories in the bamboo, I have learned everything in my life by eating the bamboo. 
  • The right to laugh and cry, never give it to other people, they will abuse it
  • People should face bad times, it strengthens our life. 
  • Suffering is the fire that transforms you from iron to steel. 
  • We all have biases. Try to judge the situation with an open mind.


Caption   for Facebook
Caption for Facebook


  • Take responsibility if you make a mistake. This is the right way to learn.
  • Be happy for the success of others. Jealousy only harms itself.
  • Sharing knowledge does not decrease, but increases. Share your knowledge with others.
  • Little by little, small daily actions lead to big goals.
  • Chase your dreams. Even if you can’t catch it, it’s okay, if you don’t run, you won’t be caught at all.  
  • Love is given. But first you have to love.
  • Stay close to friends when you are sad. Solace can be found in them.  
  • Never give up. One day surely you will be successful.  
  • In our life, change comes for good.  
  • Think before you speak. Words spoken cannot be taken back.
  • Listen to others’ opinions. Develop yourself as an open-minded person.
  • The speed of work is slow but ok. Move slowly, steadily.
  • Do the work on time. Get today’s work done today.  
  • Every person has some special skill. Find your skills and nurture them.
  • Travel, see new places. New experiences make life more beautiful.
  • Never stop learning. There is no age or limit to knowledge. ,
  • Our future is based on our present, and the present is the result of our past 
  • Stop before you make a decision under social pressure! Use your own discretion.


Motivational Caption For Facebook

Motivational Quotes By saying we mean those precious words from a particular person or book that help bring out the best in us. We humans are afraid to do anything difficult, but motivational quotes inspire us to do anything. So now we will share some chronicles famous motivational speakers, writers, literary figures and notables Motivational ‘ caption for Facebook’.

  • The strong never take revenge, because they can forgive. -Italian Proverb
  • It is necessary to learn to swim before the depth of water approaches the nose. -Bangladeshi Proverb
  • Knowledge is the jewel, indeed the king. -Bangladeshi Proverb
  • You can cross the ocean with patience. -Bangladeshi Proverb
  • Learn to be calm during the storm, learnd forget don’t go. -Chinese proverb
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. -Chinese proverb
  • Don’t get discouraged if you fall, get up and try again. -Chinese proverb
  • Even if you fall down seven times, get up eight times. – Japanese proverb
  • Spring comes not only for blossoming, but also for bearing fruit. – Japanese proverb
  • The hand that lifts when falling, that hand is God’s hand. – Japanese proverb
  • Truth always wins. -Indian Proverb
  • He who fears fire cannot use fire. – Rabindranath Tagore
  • The road to success and the road to failure are almost the same. – Colin R. Davies
  • It’s not what you see, it’s what you see that matters. -Anonymous
  • The starting point of all achievement is desire. – Napoleon
  • Don’t try to be a successful person, but try to be a valuable person. -Albert Einstein
  • Learn to swim before the depth of water reaches your nose. – Danish proverb
  • Beauty will leave you one day, but wisdom will stay with you forever. – Famous Turkish Proverb
  • Sometimes you have to leave everything and get lost to rediscover life! – Errol Ozan
  • Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our problems. – Charlie Chaplin
  • If you want to succeed, you have to face all the challenges that come your way. Challenges cannot be taken selectively. – Mike Gafka
  • You will never cross the ocean if you only look at the water. – Rabindranath Tagore
  • No girl in the world is going to leave owning six cars to go with guys with six packs, so stop going to the gym and go to work. – Robert Mugabe
  • Never break down. Everything that is lost in the world comes back to life in another form. – Maulana Zaluddin Rumi.
  • I find television very educational. Whenever someone turns it on, I go to another room and read a book.’ – Groucho Marx 
  • He who conquers himself is the strongest warrior. – Confucius
  • Success comes only to those who dare to try. – Mallika Tripathi
  • Life is like a sewer… what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. – Tom Lehrer
  • Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day. – Robert Collier
  • Failure is the spice that gives the taste of success. – Truman Capote
  • Anyone who says it’s not possible should get out of their way. – Tricia Cunningham 
  • Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. – Helen Keeler
  • A successful person will benefit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. – Dale Carnegie
  • There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.  – John et
  • What you do not like yourself, do not throw it on others. – Gabriel
  • A great person talks less, acts more. – Anonymous
  • Easy to hate, hard to love. All good things are hard to come by, and bad things are easy to come by. – GSKJ Mallick
  • Choose the job that you love, but you never have to work a day in your life. – Collected
  • Education is the root of knowledge, and thinking is the flower. – Meng Chi, disciple of Confucius


Broken heard caption for facebook 

Here we shared some, broken heard caption for facebook, each status will reach the depths of your heart and touch your hidden pain and inspire you to share that pain. Remember, you are not alone in sharing this pain, there are millions of people who understand your feelings and are with you in expressing it.

  • His separation gave me great courage, now neither do I feel the pain of losing anyone nor the desire to get anyone. 
  • Oh love…I did wrong by becoming your lawyer, here every poet is sitting with evidence against you. 
  • So much is happening in this world, can’t you be mine? 
  • People here don’t accept their mistakes, how can they accept someone else as their own. 
  • I lit a cigarette to forget your memories, but the damn smoke created your image! 
  •  Your love was very strange, first you made me crazy, then called me crazy, then left me thinking I was crazy. 
  • We lost what was never ours, but you lost what was once only yours. 
  • It is always our own people who cause pain, otherwise how would strangers know what hurts you. 
  • You will not be able to forgive yourself, the day you will miss us in your life. 
  • I have also seen such indifference that people, from you to you, from you to life, and then from life to strangers. 
  • You will remain in my life for life, whether as love or as pain.
  • I will forget you, just have some patience, it will take me some time to become selfish like you. 
  • He has just changed his lover, why complain about that, people even change their God if their prayers are not accepted .
  • The more the crowd is increasing in this world, the more lonely people are becoming. 
  • These days my words seem to be sick and want a dose of your sight. 
  • More than desire, I too had the desire to love her, but what is the use of such a desire, which cannot become my desire even if I want it.


caption for facebook islamic

Islam is said to be the complete rule of life. All the directions and ways of running the state from human life are given here. Here are some caption for facebook islamic.  

  • Do not despair of God’s mercy. (Surah Jumar)
  • “Knowledge is light, ignorance is darkness. Enlighten yourself with the light of knowledge.” 
  • “Every moment is a new beginning. A chance to reinvent yourself.” 
  • Seek lifelong knowledge. (Sunan Ibn Majah)
  • “Man was created for labor.” (Surah Ash-Shams)  
  • “Be kind to your parents.” (Surah Bani Israel) –  
  • “Don’t make money by dishonest means.” (Surah Al-Mutaffifeen)  
  • “Think before you speak.” (Surah Mu’min)  
  • “Perform your Salat and give Zakat.” (Sahih Bukhari) 
  • “Help the poor and helpless.” (Sahih Muslim)  
  • “Avoid undue anger and rage.” (Bukhari and Muslim)  
  • “Speak the truth, even if it goes against you.” (Bukhari and Muslim) 
  • “Except for Almighty Allah, everything in the world is temporary. So fill your heart only with the love of Allah.” (rumi)
  • “Cherish every moment of your life. Because, you never know what the next moment will bring you.” (Ghazzali)
  • “There is no power but Allah. So put your faith in Allah alone.” (Iqbal)
  • “Don’t think yourself small. You are God’s creation, and you have infinite potential.” (Iqbal)
  • “Achieving God’s love is the only goal in life, and the prerequisite for success.” (Shah Waliullah)
  • “Do good to your neighbor. Because good to your neighbor is equal to good to Allah.” (Shah Waliullah)
  • “Establish justice and truth in your life.” (Imam al-Ghazali)
  • “Help the poor and helpless.” (Imam al-Ghazali)
  • “If you want to change yourself, first change your thoughts. Because your thoughts control your actions.” (rumi)
  • “Knowledge is the food of the soul. As the body needs food, so the soul needs knowledge.” (Ghazzali)
  • “Tell the truth, even if it is difficult for you. Because truthfulness will lead you to Paradise.” (Ghazzali)
  • “To succeed in life you have to work hard. Because success never comes easy.” (Iqbal)
  • “Be forgiving. For forgiveness is the most beloved attribute of Allah.” (Shah Waliullah)
  • “Control your tongue. For, many dangers can come from the tongue.” (Sheikh Saadi)
  • “Do not be jealous of others. Because envy will destroy your mind.” (Sheikh Saadi)
  • “Do not be greedy. For greed will lead you astray.” (Sheikh Saadi)


Sad caption for facebook 

When the inside is restless, when the mind is burdened with depression, it becomes difficult to express the hidden feelings of the mind in words. Tears accumulate in the corners of the eyes, the regret of not being able to get stuck in the voice. However, emotions cannot be kept captive. You can express them through sad ‘caption for facebook’. These statuses are not only an expression of suffering, but also a protest of loneliness.  

  • “I know you can’t come back, maybe you don’t want to but I’m still waiting for you to come back.”
  • “Everybody in this town has a story. But mine is a very cruel one.”
  • “We all make mistakes. But sometimes the consequences of those mistakes last a lifetime.”
  • “It’s so hard to say goodbye, but it’s even harder to stay.”
  • “The thing that is most needed is the furthest away.”
  • “I had everything, but one mistake ended it all.”
  • “Stuck between lies and truth, can’t trust anyone.”
  • “I have had more sorrow than happiness in this life.”
  • Father’s rule is like a tablet, it is necessary even if it is bitter
  • The shelter of mother’s lap and the assurance of father, prevent all the storms of life 
  • Freedom in the touch of mother’s love, safety in the strong hand of father.
  • Keeping their own dreams all their lives, their silent sacrifice to fulfill their children’s dreams, this is the identity of parents.
  • A mother’s love is an endless ocean, and a father’s love is an immovable mountain.
  • “I’m used to being alone, but sometimes I feel like life would be blessed with a little more love.”


Read More:

  1. Happy Instagram Captions: 350+ Simple, Short, Cute, Funny Captions 
  2. Instagram caption about smile to Brighten Up Your Posts
  3. 300+ Beautiful Instagram captions for myself
  4. 300+ Best Love Status, Captions, Quotes, and Poems 


Attitude caption for Facebook

To move forward in life, to achieve your goals, sometimes attitude is needed. The right attitude instills our inner confidence, makes us strong. By sharing these ‘Attitude caption for Facebook’ we can express our confidence, our strength.  

  • I’m bad in some people’s eyes, but when they need a good person, they come to me first.
  • There is no rush to be a lion, no feeling of being a tiger.  
  • I’m not perfect, I make mistakes. But mistakes can be learned, and I learn fast.
  • No time to talk back. A lot has to be gained and discarded on the way forward.
  • I don’t care about anyone, I make my own way.
  • I don’t live to please anyone. I want to live like myself.
  • No introduction needed. My actions are my identity.
  • Don’t try to play with me. The results will not be good.
  • The game of life, I am the player. I play by my own rules, I play to win.
  • I live on my own, I don’t need anyone’s permission.
  • My speed cannot be stopped, only accompanied. Are you ready?
  • I’m so smart that Google keeps asking me “What are you looking for today?”
  • My life status: “It’s complicated” but looks like “I’m simple”
  • Don’t try to wake me up. You may not like the results! 
  • If you want to know me, take time, because the depth of the ocean cannot be fathomed in a day.
  • I don’t belittle anyone, but I don’t let myself be belittled either.
  • I am not a gold man, but I am worth nothing less than gold.
  • “I know I’m not perfect, but I’m true.” – Tupac 


caption for Facebook bio

Looking for a beautiful caption for Facebook bio? You have come to the right place. Take a look at our bios, apply directly, or get ideas from here: 

  • Always on the move, chasing dreams.
  • Strength comes from weathering storms.
  • My story has begun; the ending is unwritten.
  • Living life on my own terms.
  • Before achieving some goals, it is necessary to lose some paths. 
  • Building my own world, one step at a time.
  • Never give up, always learn. 
  • Gotta break the boundaries.
  • Where is the fun of life without a little madness!
  • Falling down is not defeat, getting back up is victory.
  • The world is big, there’s so much to see.
  • Lessons learnt not from books, but from life’s experiences.
  • Some things are better to keep secret, because how many understand the value? 
  • Learning from mistakes, striving for good.


Sad love caption for Facebook  

Have you ever felt the deep pain of love? Has your heart been so broken for someone that you feel as if the pieces can never be put back together? If yes, then our collection of “sad love caption for facebook” can become an emotional support for you. This is not just a collection of words, but the voice of broken hearts that want to express their pain.

  • When hearts meet, people punish them, people drown the feelings of love, how can one see two people meeting, when people pick up even two birds sitting together. 
  • Who wants to get something easily ? Only those who are stubborn are obstinate, whose destiny has nothing written for them.
  • Scattered existence, broken dreams, burning loneliness, how many beautiful gifts this incomplete love gives. 
  • There will come a time in life when your loved one will make you cry, but you should still love him because he will shed more tears than you when he is alone.
  • Tell her that love does not end by breaking the relationship. People remember even those who leave this world! 
  • Some such sequences are written in our destiny, some made them their own to pass time, while some made them their own and spent time with them. 
  • Don’t pull me towards you like this, making me helpless, it may happen that I get separated from myself and don’t find you too.
  • I have written many feelings for you, yet I could never write as much as I loved you. 
  • I would have plucked you if you were a rose, I would have become the answer if you were a question, everyone knows I don’t consume alcohol, but I would have drunk you too if you were liquor! 
  • The pain in the hearts would have reduced, if you and I had become us!
  • Those who kept their fingers on their mouths at the mention of death, alas those very people turned out to be the killers of my heart. 
  • There was no sound, no drama, it broke very silently, I had faith in you. Very few people are fortunate enough to love someone and receive love from the same person. 
  • Your love is my destiny, whether I get it or not, but remembering you definitely gives relief to my heart.
  • Even broken hearts keep beating for a lifetime, whether in someone’s memory or in complaint for someone. 
  • When beautiful people break someone’s heart, they say with simplicity that they were helpless. 
  • Always remember one thing, you will find many like me in this world, but you will not find me among them. 
  • Today we have declared them unfaithful! We have thrown their letters in water, so that no one can take them out of water, we have set the water on fire! 
  • O heart, come to your senses now, here no one calls you his own, and you are bent upon becoming someone’s for no reason. 
  • Where will you search for a person like me? Who will bear your cruelty and also love you. 
  • When you look in the mirror, you will remember me, you will remember our meetings, time will stop for a moment, when you will remember something about me. 
  • Ask the last drop of water hanging on the wire after the rain , what loneliness is. 
  • When the wounds of my chest will be filled; tears will also scatter like pearls; do not ask who betrayed me; otherwise the faces of some of my loved ones will turn pale. 
  • The more valuable the trust, the more costly the betrayal becomes.  
  • Look at the effect of my love, my love. People meet me these days, but they always talk about you. 
  • There are two things in life that are meant to break: “Breath and companionship”. A person dies only once when his breath breaks; but when someone’s companionship breaks, a person dies every moment. 
  • People call love God, if someone does it then they blame him, they say that people with stone hearts don’t cry, then why do waterfalls fall from mountains. 
  • Not everyone gets the gift of love, it is a flower that does not bloom in every garden, never let this flower fall off, because a broken flower never blooms again! 
  • I wish you were my death, then you would definitely be mine one day. 
  • There are dreams in the eyes but no sleep, there is a heart in the body but no heartbeat, how do we express our feelings, we are living but this is not life. 
  • This time make peace with me, oh my heart, I promise that I will never hand you over to any tyrant again. 
  • I remember him in every breath, my eyes search for him, love is such a beautiful thing that even in the beating of the heart I can hear his voice. 
  • Even death does not give as much pain as your silence is giving.
  • I stay awake all night for the sake of a person who doesn’t remember me even in daylight. 
  • When the strength of his hand loosened, I realised that perhaps this was the place where I had to change my path. 
  • The wounds which are not visible, hurt a lot. 
  • I forgave your every mistake… I forgot your every fault… I am sad about my love… you rewarded me by being unfaithful.


caption for facebook stylish

We have already seen, lots of caption for facebook: If you wants more caption, then continue your journey till end. 

  • The way we walk, that is what builds our identity.  
  • Friendship is the power that makes the impossible possible.  
  • If you don’t surrender, you don’t lose. 
  • There is no point in regretting the past.  
  • Without hard work, no dream comes true. 
  • It’s all over when you lose your faith.  
  • Kindness to others is the greatest power. 
  • Kindness is power, forgiveness is great power. 
  • If you ever fall, have the courage to stand up.  
  • Trying is more important than winning, not winning.  
  • True inspiration comes not from recognition, but from the struggle itself. 
  • There is something great in everyone, you just have to find it. 
  • People who can cry are the strongest. 
  • Learn to hold your own opinion. 
  • Everything in life is not perfect, but still beautiful.  
  • Bravery is not about conquering the enemy, but about conquering your own fear. 
  • Life has no meaning without dreams.  
  • Hard work can turn fate in one’s favor 
  •  Some things don’t change with time 
  •  The biggest lie is that we are alone. 
  •  Two things are permanent in the world – happiness and sadness 
  • “We are all made of stories.”  


Caption for Facebook Travelling

There is a different kind of magic in travel. It’s not just about seeing new places or taking pictures. Through travel we discover ourselves, know new cultures, gain experiences. Standing on the top of a mountain and blowing your hair in the open air, getting lost in the vast expanse of the sea, walking down an unknown road – all this has an undisguised joy. Using these caption for facebook on travelling, to post picture on social media. 

  • Travel is the best teacher.
  • Wherever you go, stay like there.
  • The world is a big book, if you don’t travel you don’t read a single page.
  • Don’t be afraid to get lost in the most beautiful places.
  • Dream, plan, travel.
  • The most valuable things in life are found in travel.
  • Travel more with less.
  • It is better to see a lot than to save a little money.
  • Travel is about expanding your boundaries.
  • The best memories are made from the best trips.
  • Know your country, then know the world.
  • Love and travel are the two best adventures in life.
  • Travel to write your own story.
  • Walking is the real adventure of life 
  • Wherever you go, feel free.
  • Travel to find yourself.
  • Travel with enthusiasm, not fear.
  • “Travel if you want to be successful. Meet new people, learn new things, know the world.” – Mary Kay 
  • “Plan a trip, or be stuck in one place.” – Les Brown 
  • “Travel is the only thing that cannot be bought and kept.” – Andrew Meinhardt 
  • “Travel has healing powers, I believe.” – David Brooks  
  • “Letting go is hard, but the best things come from letting go.” – Andrew Solomon  
  • “Who are you, want to know? Go out on a trip.” – Dale Carnegie 


Emotional Caption for Facebook

We all trapped in the web of obligations, expectations, and duties. Yet in life or in stories, novels or movies, boys are always the villains. Here are some emotional caption for facebook about our lives: 

  • “The strongest people are those who let themselves be broken and build themselves up again. 
  • I know one day everything will be alright, but when? 
  • “Sometimes, the hardest thing is to let go, but some things you have to let go of.”  
  • “Is love that isn’t fought for really love?”
  • “The things that can be broken are the things that can be loved. 
  •  No road leads to you in this town, how can I believe we’ll meet again? 
  • The poems written for you have now become thorns, piercing the chest. 
  • Like a broken cup, clinging to itself, but the broken parts will not fit together again.
  • When will this storm of losing love stop? I can’t take it anymore. 
  • Even though you’re gone from me, your scent still sticks to me.
  • No need to give false comfort, I know you won’t come back.
  •  How will this void be filled? Nothing completes me except you.
  • If death could erase love, I might have some peace. 
  • “Boys don’t have to cry” – it’s time to abolish this unwritten law.
  • This story will continue, but my life stopped when you left. 
  • Boys’ hearts are broken, they also suffer, when will the society accept this fact?
  • Emotions are masked by societal pressures, but the storm rages on inside.
  • Boys have to keep quiet about being sexually harassed, because no one will believe them.”
  • Not only girls but boys also have the right to express themselves.


Caption for Facebook About Parents 

Parents – not just a words, but a different feeling, a name of infinite love and shelter. Their contribution in every step of life is immense. Their sacrifices, their love, their every work contributes immeasurably to our lives. You can express your gratitude and love to your parents by sharing these ‘caption for facebook about parents’ Facebook. 

  • Mother’s tears, and father’s sweat, are signs of their selfless love.
  • There are those who are luckier than them, who have the blessings of their parents on their heads 
  • The most stupid creatures in the world are parents who sacrifice their own happiness for their children
  • All the love in the world is nothing to the love of a mother
  • Never feel shy to mention father’s occupation and father’s identity, remember that man has worked for your position
  • Mago, I miss you so much, telling me stories at night to make me fall asleep 
  • There are 7 billion people in the world but my favorite is my mother’s face 
  • After Allah, the only person I owe the most to is my father
  • No matter how bad I am, no matter how bad I do, you are always holy to Mother 
  • Walking hand in hand in childhood, being by their side in old age – the company of parents, life’s greatest asset.
  • Mother’s pain, and father’s toil – we can never pay for their love.
  • The love given by parents throughout life, the opportunity to serve them in their last years is the greatest blessing.
  • Learning to be grateful to parents – the greatest lesson in life.
  • Mothers must know teleopathy, or how they sense the danger of the child earlier 
  • All mothers in the world are beautiful, all mothers are wonderful 
  • Exchange of money or everything is available, let them buy mother’s love once
  • If I could go back to that childhood, mother’s love and father’s rule, the days would be spent playing 
  • Mother’s love and father’s love, those who have them are truly lucky 
  • Don’t hurt your parents even if you make a mistake, there will be no benefit even if you shed tears


Caption for Facebook Profile Picture

Here are some of the best caption for Facebook profile picture for you. You can copy and paste them or write your own word by taking inspiration from these captions.  

  • I run the phone or the calculator, and do not understand! No call, no message.
  •  After getting married, I realized that managing a family is more difficult than giving a love status on Facebook. 
  • I’m not lazy; I’m in energy-saving mode. 
  • The tea in my hand is beautiful; not a single joy for it… Because who likes to make tea every time?
  • Every morning keep a positive thought in mind—no need to go to the office today.
  • The struggle to lose weight is one of the toughest struggles in life. 
  • Considering all the people I played weddings with as a child, it would take a building to house a wife.
  • After entering the examination hall and looking at the question paper, I understand that the study was probably not done properly!  
  • Giving beautiful pictures and statuses on Facebook but in real life… Kabir Singh 
  • It’s easy to talk about giving everyone free treats on your birthday, but when it comes to paying the bills, it’s hard!
  • One should love the wife, but let her be one’s own wife.
  • Get on the bus and get a seat next to the window; today is a lucky day!
  • If you fall asleep sitting in an office work meeting, you don’t understand what notes you are writing!
  • If you meet an old boyfriend or girlfriend again, it’s better to leave without saying anything!
  • A crush is like a dog, it makes your chest flutter when you see it. 
  • When the network goes out while talking on the phone, the world seems to stop!
  • Going to the doctor to tell the body problems, it seems that the disease has increased! 
  • The pressure of studying is so much that I can’t study.
  • I see how many brides and grooms dance with the grace of Facebook.
  • Our country has become a playground; 22 people play, everyone sees.
  • Don’t get angry if your husband makes a mistake; maybe his main mistake is you.
  • People get so angry during a fight that they forget their own names. So it says, “You know me.”
  • The poet said, I did not say any of these things.
  • There is no problem with not having a girlfriend, but people think that there are many; this problem is not bearable.
  • I will be fat after marriage; thousands of girls live in this dream.


Wrap Up!  

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